Khorne Chosen Squad, Machello’s Retinue ‘The Hateful Eight’

Kitbashed Conversion: Khorne Chosen Yorykk

Although emerging victorious in a fight with an Ork Warboss, Yorykk lost an arm to his opponent, and chose to have the Ork’s power klaw implanted as a replacement and trophy. Whenever Machello’s warband faces Orks, Yorykk is at the fore, holding his arm high, challenging the biggest Ork warriors to reclaim the trophy.

Kitbashed Conversion: Khorne Chosen Gladiator

Gladiator demonstrated his commitment to Khorne by sacrificing his arms for brutal close combat weapons. The only real activity he can perform is the spilling of blood. Undefeated in a daemon world gladiatorial stable, he was bought by Machello, joining his warband to butcher the followers of the Corpse Emperor.

I’m a big fan of the aesthetics of the old Chrono-Gladiators, so this is something of a homage, replacing the clock and combat stims with the World Eater’s Butcher’s Nails.

Kitbashed Conversion: Khorne Chosen Szell, aka Khorne’s Dentist

Continuing his role as a World Eater’s apothecary, Szell provides medical and cybernetic services to Machello’s warband, and also serves as his chief interrogator. Supplementing his Narthecium, Szell built a basic Chirurgeon, providing additional cutting tools, poisons, stims and pain serums for his additional tasks. His role in collecting the uncorrupted gene-seed from loyalist marines is invaluable in obtaining the means to create new warriors and providing a tradable commodity. While Apothecaries traditionally use their Reductor to punch through a marine’s armour quickly and efficiently, Szell prefers to slowly and ritually dissect the living donor to extract gene seed.

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